"How far is it from your house to the university?" Nellie asked me one day.
"Which university?"
She rolled her eyes at me. "THE university, of course."
"But what is it called? There are so many in Oklahoma." I hoped to narrow the field a little.
Nellie looked completely bewildered. "There's more than one? But I'm sure that Karik told me there was only one."
"No, no. I could name a whole bunch of them right now, just off the top of my head. There's the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City University, the University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma Baptist University, Rose State University, East Central University...." I could have continued, but Nellie's eyes had begun to glaze over.
"Oh, dear. I don't know. You just go, and turn, and go straight, and keep going, and you're there."
"Which road do you take?" I still didn't have any idea which university she had in mind.
"Which road? Umm...I don't know. But it's so beautiful--absolutely lovely. And the buildings are made of red brick, and they're building some new ones...don't you know which one I'm talking about?"
I sighed. "Oh, Nellie, most of them have red brick buildings and all of them are always building something new. And they're all beautiful in some way or another! If you can't tell me something else, I can't figure out which one you mean."
"Really? You don't know? Then what am I going to do? How can I find out?" Her voice rose to the desperate squeak I've come to recognize as panic.
I didn't really think it was that hard. "You can ask Karik what it's called."
Relief flooded her face. "Oh, that's a good idea. I'll ask him. So can you come to a concert there when I find out which university it is?"
"When is the concert?"
She knew the answer to this one. "The 13th of May," she stated proudly. "Can you come?"
I hated to disappoint her, but even knowing the location wasn't going to help on that day. "I'm sorry, Nellie, but that's Mother's Day. I'll be at my Mama's house."
If you've read Anne of Green Gables, you'll know what I mean by saying that immediately she was back in the depths of despair. "Oh, no! You can't come? Are you sure that's Mother's Day? Is it always on May 13th?"
"No, it's always on the third Sunday of May. I'm sorry, but I'm sure."
Nellie brightened again. "But if it were on a Saturday, you could come. I'll tell Karik, and next year maybe you can come."
Dear Nellie. We still have to figure out where it is we're going.
that's sounds like someone else i know giving me directions. they shall remain nameless in case they actually find their way to this blog by some miracle - not that they followed my directions.